Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Born Again!

Q: Why did I go offline for a very long time?
A: Because school killed my network

I have not blogged in a very long time time, ridiculously, for 2 straight years! (don't think that I have not been writing though). I tweeted the opening Q/A recently and have debated it in my mind if that was really true.

The truth is my assertion is not absolutely true. If the school killed my network, then I ALLOWED it. I had the choice not to make that happen really but I will explain here, though not defensively.

The cost of staying online, and considering the number of responsibilities I had "back there" in school, could not afford me the opportunity to spend a long time online. Yes "back there" is quoted because I graduated about a month ago with First Class Honours in Computer Science.

At Trenchard Hall, University of Ibadan

A laudable performance, you would say, but all that culminated in the exemplary academic performance also partially shut me out of living online.

I was an active member of  the final year students committee of my fellowship in school, mentored my junior colleagues, took tutorials and had tons of school work among other commitments, so I had to prioritize.

The good news is that I am back fully online and mobile too! I am also determined to maintain a blogging culture. Please follow my blog and leave comments. I would be intimating you on what I have been doing in the past two years and what I am currently doing.

I hope I didn't sound defensive after all!

I have worked on my blog to give it its new look, my blog is born-again!

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